Branch & ATM Locator


S/NBranch or Cas center NamePhysical AddressTownProvince
1Kabwe BranchPlot 57,Independence street. Tel:+260 770740881KabweCentral Province
2Mumbwa BranchBlock B Shop No. 3 & 4 Mababe Complex, Plot 1891/D3&D4 Main Street.Tel: +260 976 947330/+260 950577355Mumbwa
3Serenje BranchStand No 187/2 Ngaswa Road. Tel: +260 973577033Serenje
4Kitwe Centre Branch33 Ebenzer Centre Independence Way Tel: +260 977 567782,KitweCopperbelt Province
5Kitwe Main BranchPlot 1082, Piano House, City Square, Kitwe. Tel:+260 212232479
6Kitwe AgencyPlot No. 1306 Chibuluma Rd Industrial Area Tel: +260212 – 0212202
7Ndola Centre BranchZ Mart Mall Tel: +260 777239646Ndola
8Ndola Main BranchFinance House, 1st Floor-Chimwemwe Wing, Plot/Stand No. 103, President Avenue. Tel:+260 764038458
9Kafubu Mall BranchShop 27, Kafubu Mall, cnr Kabwe Road & President Av
10Dangote AgencyDangote Cement Plant, Masaiti Tel:+260 979701893
11Chililabombwe Main BranchShop No. 17 Chililabombwe Mall, Congo Way. Tel :+260 212 380931Chililabombwe
12Chililabombwe Industrial BranchChililabombwe Branch Plot No. 151 Buntungwa Rd Industrial Area Tel: +260 212- 380956
13Chingola Main BranchZRA building 11 Kitwe Rd Tel: +260 777-239-734Chingola
14Chingola Centre Branch146 Corner of Kwacha Street/Kitwe Road, Town Centre. Tel : +260 771705060
15Chambeshi AgencyPlot 2342 Dandi Circle. Tel: +260 955851579Chambeshi
16Kasumbalesa BranchKasumbalesa Branch Plot 1884 Kasumbalesa Border Post Chililabombwe. Tel: +260 212643045Kasumbalesa
17Luanshya BranchStand 17, Buntungwa street.Tel: +260 956998526 / +260 951780677Luanshya
18Mufulira BranchPlot Number 37 Corner Buteko/Accra Roads, Town Centre, MufuliraMufulira
19Chipata Centre BranchChipata Branch Plot No. 4769 Lunkhwakwa Rd Tel: 0216 - 223702/01ChipataEastern Province
20Chipata Main BranchPlot 17/1, Pererenyatwa Road, Chipata Town.
21Katete BranchPlot 144 Katete. Tel: +260973524063Katete
22Lundazi BranchPlot No. 125 Lundazi Town Square along Magodi Sreet off Chama Road . Tel: +260 216480210 . Cell: +260 972622997Lundazi
23Mansa Centre BranchAfter Chimpapwe, Stand No 125, President Road. Tel: +260962151319MansaLuapula Province
24Mansa Main BranchPlot 335, Corner of Chitimukulu and President Road. (CBD)Tel:+260 212821978 / +260 777239637
25Samfya BranchPlot 73175/7 Samfya, Lupili Area. Tel:+260951703731Samfya
26Chongwe BranchPlot No. 1222, Great East Road.  Tel +260 211 620042ChongweLusaka Province
27Longacres Centre BranchLongacres Shopping Area, Haile Selassie Avenue.Lusaka
28Carousel AgencyCarousel Mall. Tel; +260979701799
29Access House BranchGround Floor, Access House, Plot 746B, Corner Church Road/Nasser Rds, Ridgeway. Tel: +260 211255024 Cell: +260 953113499
30Arcades BranchArcades Shopping Centre, Plot 2374 Great East Road. Tel:+260 771744452
31Lusaka Main BranchChanic House off Cairo Road, lusaka.
32Industrial BranchPlot 8477 Lumumba Road, Industial Area, Lusaka.
33East Park BranchEast Park Mall Branch Shop G CNR Thabo Mbeki & Great East Rd.  Tel: +260 957886771
34Kamwala BranchPlot 8008 Chilumbulu Road.
35Livonia BranchLivonia Shopping Mall, Along Mumbwa Road. Tel: +260 970871751
36KKIA AgencyKenneth Kaunda International Airport. Tel:260 211 236552 Cell+260 977776765
37Cairo Main BranchCairo Branch Plot 682, Cairo Road, North end, P. O. Box 35273, Lusaka, Zambia Tel: +260770712068
38Acacia BranchAcacia Branch Stand No. 22768, Corner, Great East Road/Thabo Mbeki Road Tel: +260950437941
39Garden BranchGarden Branch Plot No. 39 Katimamulilo Rd Tel: +260777239626
40Tazara BranchTazara Branch Cnr. Independence / Dedan Kimathai Rd Tel: 0777239792
41Kalingalinga BranchKalingalinga Branch Plot No. B4/24/146, Kamloops Rd Tel: 0211-260498 Fax: 0211 260 260478
42Makeni Mall BranchMakeni Mall Branch Cosmopolitan Mall, Plot 397A, Shop #25C, Kafue Road, Tel: +260977976472/+260960729125
43MTN Centre AgencyPlot 5005, East Park Mall Branch Shop No. 69 CNR Thabo Mbeki & Great East Rd.
44Lusaka Square BranchLusaka Square Anchor House Sapele Road Tel: +260777239550
45Longacres Main BranchLongacres Branch Plot 2166, Haile Selassie Avenue, P. O. Box 36368. Tel: +260211252217/252248/252250
46Isoka BranchCentral Business District, Isoka.IsokaNorthern Province
47Kasama Centre BranchAlong Indepenednce Avenue, (Shoprite Centre, Shop Number 7) Tel:+260 0214 222609Kasama
48Kasama Main BranchRoom 2 Cheweco Complex Along Mukulumpe Rd ,opposite Zampost, Town Centre. Tel: +260 962151459/+260 214 221838
49Mbala Centre BranchPlot No: 40474, President Avenue, Town Centre, Mbala Phone No: +260777239730Mbala
50Mbala Main BranchPlot No.T40, President Avenue.
51Mpulungu BranchPlot 442 Mpulungu. Tel:+260 954543826/ +260 214455026Mpulungu
52Mpika BranchMpika Branch Stand No. 5728 Great North Road G.M. Shoping Complex . Tel: +260 979648606MpikaMuchinga Province
53Nakonde AgencyZRA Building, NakondeNakonde
54Chinsali BranchPlot NO. 526, D55 Rd, ChinsaliChinsali
55Nakonde BranchGreat North Road, Nakonde Central Business District.Tel: 260 971 609704Nakonde
56Kabompo BranchStand 166, Boma.KabompoMuchinga Province
57Mwinilunga BranchPlot 119, Ikelenge Road. Tel: +260 950 127116Mwinilunga
58Zambezi BranchPlot No. 201, Chavuma Road, Boma AreaZambezi
59Mufumbwe BranchPlot 1 Mutanda - Chavuma Road, Council Building Tel: +26077239673Mufumbwe
60Solwezi Mall BranchShop No. 26 Solwezi City Mall, Solwezi Tel: +260977 567397Solwezi
61Solwezi Main BranchPlot No. 1820, Shop No. 2, Shangoka Shopping Centre, Independence Ave, Tel +260 218 821941
Fax +260 218 821380
62Chirundu BranchRoom 15 Clearing Agent Building ChirunduChirunduSouthern Province
63Choma BranchPlot D/6/F/79A Livingstone Road, Town Centre Choma. Tel: +260 977 639632 / +26076 8781047Choma
64Kalomo BranchPlot 40 Freedom Way, corner of Nkwame Kuluma Rd. Tel: +260977454746Kalomo
65Livingstone BranchPlot 213 Mosi-O-Tunya Road. Tel: +260 950989721Livingstone
66Shoprite Livingstone AgencyMosi-O-tunya Square. Tel:+260 950989716
67Monze BranchPlot 102, Livingstone Road. Tel:+260 955012313Monze
68Sinazeze BranchExcess Filling Station Plot 25207/M Maamba Batoka Road. Tel: +260 950074567Sinazeze
69Mongu BranchBarotse Shopping Mall, Shop No 5.MonguWestern Province
70Kaoma BranchPlot 539 Freedom Way Kaoma. Tel: +260 971052989Kaoma
71Sesheke BranchNakatindi Rd, SeshekeSesheke
72Katimamulilo AgencyKatimamulilo One Stop Boarder Post Building

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